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Chocolate and Peanut Cookie Recipe

Do you remember that smell of fresh cookies when you were growing up, it would radiate around your house teasing you till the goods were ready. Well today I have the perfect cookie recipe for you! It is so easy and quick but the results are great.

Chocolate chip cookies are a treasure in most houses and what I mean by this you have to find them as soon as you smell them or they will be gone or is that just in this house. Truth is though they are an old favorite and we all have a recipe that we stick to because it works, or maybe it’s a recipe that’s been passed down the family and you are bound to stick to it. Today you are in luck as I am going to share mine.

Cookies to me are a firm favorite and I am in heaven when they are soft but extremely chewy and for years I could never quite get this, mines use to be hard and burnt but I have now got it just right! Bake time is everything when it comes to the texture result and you will actually find that most of the baking time is outside the oven; don’t be confused all will be explained below.

I’m actually going to gate-crash this post with a weather update from Scotland, we have sun! Shorts on… Oops, cookies on too… (Back in serious mode.)

I wanted to stick with the salt and sweet theme today with these cookies; I absolutely love this combination of flavors at the moment. I opted for salted peanuts to go with the sweet chocolate chips, this will give the cookies a sort of peanut butter taste and smell, and if you like peanut butter, well these treats are for you.

So earlier I was rambling on about bake time and the likes, so I suppose I better explain. I have found that keeping the time these cookies are in the oven to a minimum really will give you that soft, golden and extremely chewy sweet. Having said this, don’t take out the oven and be like I am going eat you now, as they will need to set a little more. For today I only baked for 10 minutes, this gave me the color and the texture I was looking for. Once they were out the oven I let them sit on a cooling rack for 30 minutes, I got the result I wanted… Heavenly soft and light cookies!

Let your creative side out, you do not have to use chocolate chips and peanuts the possibilities are endless,

What makes the perfect cookie for you, what flavors do you like, is it the texture, tell me in the comments below?

Chocolate and Peanut Cookie Recipe

Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Soft, chewy and extremely ireesistable cookie recipe.
Recipe type: Snack
Serves: 12
  • 125g butter, softened
  • 100g light brown soft sugar
  • 125g caster sugar
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 225g self-raising flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 100g chocolate chips
  • 100g Salted Peanuts
  1. Let’s jump into the kitchen and get the oven on, preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4, take out your cookie tray or a baking tray and just layer a baking sheet/paper on top, don’t grease!
  2. Take a moment to weigh and lay out all your ingredients, it really does help to be organised.
  3. Chop the peanuts into small pieces (use a grinder, cut with food processor)
  4. Take a mixing bowl and cream butter and sugars, it should look yellowish and light.
  5. Once creamed, combine in the egg and vanilla and stir well.
  6. Sift in the flour and salt, then the chocolate chips and peanuts.
  7. Time to get our hands dirty, take a chunk of the dough and roll into a walnut sized ball and place on the un-greased baking sheet, I press down slightly so they are a wee bitty flatter but you don’t have to.
  8. Once all the cookies are laid out transfer to the oven and bake for 10 mins
  9. Take out of the oven and leave to harden for a minute before transferring to a wire cooling rack for 20 mins.
  10. These are great warm, and they also store well, if they don’t all get eaten straight away!
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