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Delightful Malteser Tray Bake Recipe

If you like a crunch and a chew in your life then prepare yourself for a taste explosion in your mouth with these super awesome Malteser tray bake bars.

So as the weather starts to get a little better and hotter we need an easy no-bake recipe to enjoy and that is exactly what these little bars are (Get the oven OFF!). When I say the weather is getting better it will be for most but not me as I’m based in Scotland where we have spring and summer showers, and we still have our winter jackets at the ready all year round, it’s so not fair! Rant over!

I can still however enjoy these little goodies though…

You will only need 5 ingredients and chances are you will have some already in your cupboard, even if you don’t, the local shop should definitely have. I always start by getting all the ingredients measured and laid out in front of me (slightly OCD), it makes life easier and makes it harder to forget ingredients. What happened to my cake… Ah I forgot the butter… This will not happen if you start like this.

Time to get frustration out and crush the digestive biscuits, I have tried this with Hobnobs which were awesome, so you can definitely change the biscuit but be smart about it. If anyone asks, no never use Rich Tea that would be a sin! Soggy cardboard comes to mind!

You can substitute the actual milk chocolate in this recipe as well to suit your individual preferences, for me Galaxy Smooth Chocolate bars win hands down, just enough sweetness to compliment the Maltesers taste and the smoothness is the added benefit.

When everything is all melted and mixed together it will not look appetizing, but do not fear once set will be back to looking irresistible. If you get some extra chocolate and melt it down and mix with some butter, then smother over the top of the tray bake your bars will instantly transform to something more luxurious.

Now put the kettle, or mix up a smoothie, it’s time to relax for a good few hours while your treats set. If you’re me and your OCD is itching then just do the clearing up and then chill. I always keep them in the fridge to store as it keeps them fresher. I tend to make them in the morning, get everything else in my life done and then by time I’m done they are ready for me.

This Malteser tray bake recipe is simple and easy to follow but is a winner with most; I don’t understand why you wouldn’t love this great treat. You have the sweet heavenly (and smooth) chocolate, a sweet crunchy texture from the digestives and then some added crunch but sometimes chewy texture from the Maltesers, and I’m enjoying one as we speak!

So before I go get comfortable grab your cuppa and sink into your most comfiest seat/couch and enjoy true bliss…

Delightful Malteser Tray Bake

Cook time
Total time
Delicious recipe for a family favorite, Malteser Tray Bake, be warned it is very moreish…
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 12 bars
  • 100g Butter
  • 200g Milk Chocolate
  • 3 tbsp Golden Syrup
  • 250g Crushed Digestive Biscuits
  • 225g Maltesers
  • Optional:
  • Extra 100g Milk or White Chocolate as topping
  1. I always think it’s good to get any stress out before cooking so we will crush our digestives, simply just put them in a bag (food/freezer bag will do), then let your anger out at them or gently crush them with a rolling pin.
  2. Let’s start by melting the butter, syrup and chocolate, keep stirring to make sure that it is mixing and not over cooking.
  3. Once everything has mixed well and is a liquid consistency take the crushed digestives and the Maltesers and stir them into the mixture.
  4. Take the greased tin and pour the mixture in and smooth it out into a slab inside the tray, all that’s left to do is let it set.
  5. Optional Step:Once set, melt the additional chocolate and pour over the top. Chill until set
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